I have seen those beautiful photo of the Japanese Maple from Portland's Japanese Garden. Two that were striking bright Orange my favorites but I like them all. Ever since I saw those photos and also a youtube video showing those amazing cascade style sea of orange, I wanted in my collection. But alas, nobody actually know for sure what kind are those. I think after some major digging, those turned out: Acer Palmatum Ornatum variety. Anyway, I started to look for them everywhere but what I found was some bad news. Due to lesser demands, there aren't a lot of Oranatum out there. I started to reach out to various maple vendors and previous contacts. I even contacted the Portland Japanese Garden and they gave me some links, references. Finally one of my previous maple suppler told me about a plant he had in his collection that's probably the kind I'm looking for. Anyway, I am not sure if this is the same kind or not, the important thing is that I like this color a lot. Over the years, with good care, this may look very fascinating.